Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Rehab Junkie

Phew, sorry I've been away for a while but rehab was calling and I haven't seen all my bestest friends in the "clinic" for months and boy was I "exhausted". While I was there I bumped into Irish bad boy Colin Farrell, also "exhausted". Don't let the photo fool you those aren't aren't artfully arranged pieces of tough guy jewellery on his wrists he's actually strapped to the chair.

Anyway he leaked to the junkie that the reason he was in rehab was because filming the big screen version of Miami Vice was getting all too much for the poor little leprechaun. So he decided to smoke a little exhaustion, snort a little exhaustion, use a little unidentified exhaustion and then get rushed to hospital following an exhaustion overdose. Just another occupational hazard for those hardworking actors, like getting herpes from Paris Hilton.

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